school management

Mrs. R. Sharmila,

Dear Parent,

What we always believe is “Education is to ignite the spirit of learning”. The term Education originated from the Latin word “Educare”, which means “To bring up” or “To Nourish”.

School plays a significant role in bringing up a good citizen. The rapid changes and increased complexity of today’s world present new challenges among young minds and put new demands on our education system.

A school will seed the initiatives, innovate and nurture the skill of every child. The best gift for a child is the gift of knowledge to kindle the child’s ability to think of their own. Society gives recognition, position, and prestige to persons living in society.

I experienced the same drastic change among my both sons as a mother. I started observing day by day they are different even though they are similar economically brought up with our methodologies. I was astonished by their difference in opinion, approach and nature. I made a point that “Every child is unique”.

Education strives to achieve higher ideals, obtains higher positions of prestige, formation of good habits and inculcation of permanent values. Proper Education is the result of proper communication skills, which includes listening, thinking or speaking.